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SIM2 Multimedia is an Italian electronics company that designs, manufactures, and supplies video projection and HDR products for residential and commercial applications. In a world ruled by visual communication, where images and pictures are what we all look for first, information need to be presented clearly, sharply, and consistently. SIM2 through its strong commitment to innovation, identifies and leverages state-of-the-art technologies to create and supply top-quality, innovative display solutions that help people realize new applications, unleash emotions, connect, and improve their living and working standards.

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Mission Statement

In a world ruled by visual communication, where images and pictures are what we all look for first, information need to be presented clearly, sharply, and consistently. To carry out its vision, SIM2 identify and exploit state-of-the-art technologies to create and supply top-quality, innovative display solutions that help people realize new applications, unleash emotions, connect, and improve their living and working standards.


The Values

At SIM2 we are committed to building high quality, top-notch products. SIM2 staff shares values, principles and behaviour that describe the things we are not willing to compromise on in any situation – with our customers, our shareholders, and each other. Innovation – SIM2 is committed to promoting and implement creative and innovative ideas and solutions.