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YG Acoustics

With a passion for innovation and a commitment to excellence, YG Acoustics has established itself as a leader in the world of high-end audio. Each YG Acoustics speaker is a testament to to precision engineering, featuring advanced technologies and carefully selected materials to deliver unparalleled sound quality and musicality

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Every drive unit in a YG loudspeaker is proprietary and specific to YG. You will not find these industry-leading drivers in any other brand’s products. Our BilletCore cones start life as massive slabs of aircraft-grade aluminum alloy. Over 99% of the material is machined away and recycled, leaving a finished cone only 0.2 mm (0.008”) thick and weighing under 30g (1oz). The resulting cone retains the original structure and strength of the raw billet, without any of the strain introduced by bending or stamping into shape. They provide unrivaled bandwidth, exceptionally low distortion and the fastest transient response.



Since 2020 YG has benefitted from industry-leading computational modeling to support technology development. This includes multi-domain models and large-scale parallel computing. Multi-domain models simply means modeling several different “domains” in parallel. Historically, computational models would only look at one domain: an electromagnetic model would look at the electrical and magnetic aspects; a finite element model would look at how the solid parts of an object behave; or a fluid dynamic model would look at how gasses and liquids move.