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Astell&Kern is a premium audio brand dedicated to delivering high-resolution audio systems that faithfully reproduce sound as it was meant to be heard. The name Astell&Kern combines "Astell," meaning "Star" in Greek, and "Kern," meaning "Core" in German, reflecting the brand's commitment to reaching the essence of music—the original sound. With its technological innovation, distinctive design, and meticulous craftsmanship, Astell&Kern has been a favorite among audiophiles since its first product launch in 2012. The brand's philosophy of not overlooking even the subtlest differences in sound quality has made its diverse range of audio products cherished by music lovers worldwide. Astell&Kern is the center of music.

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Astell&Kern's outstanding feature is its TERATON ALPHA solution, a unique audio technology designed to deliver the purest sound imaginable. This innovative solution combines several patented technologies, including effective noise removal from audio power sources, distortion-free amplification despite powerful performance, and the prevention of noise from the audio interface. With TERATON ALPHA, Astell&Kern brings listeners closer to the original sound, consistently striving for unparalleled audio purity.



SOUNDS, INFINITE POSSIBILITIES Astell&Kern is a premium audio brand created for audio systems that deliver high-resolution audio as it is. Astell means "Star" in Greek and Kern means "Core" in German, and it contains the will to constantly approach the "original sound", the center of music.