The difference between Reference and Prestige series, basically speaking, are stylus mass, tip mass, diamond shapes and size, different coils, different wires and compliance. The cost difference between the Reference and Prestige series are the closer tolerances, skilled technicians vs assembly line production, much higher parts cost and different design in the Reference series. The Prestige series of cartridges are designed for high output and excellent stability under severe use. A considerable tip mass reduction results in a frequency response to 55 kHz and beyond and tracking forces from 1-2 grams.
The Blue and Red models use a four piece OTL cantilever technology, standard oxygen free wire in the coils and Grado's specially designed elliptical diamond mounted on a brass bushing. The Red model is selected from the Blue production run and meet higher test specifications. Approximately 10% of the production run will meet these standards and become Red models.